Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Sastera Kanak-Kanak

Sastera Kanak-Kanak

Prof. Dr Bustam Kamri, Theres no words to define sastera kanak-kanak accurately...

Some experts say that sastera kanak-kanak is the material that is being written for children to read.


Most experts agree and believe sastera kanak includes more than just a books but it includes material that is being read or present to them which have meet a high standard of literacy and artistic standards.

In ganeral sastera kanak-kanak can be in the form of
-Verbal, a book, film, theatre, movies, and even a song.
Nowadays sastera kanak-kanak can be equip through a lot of medium
1)Smart Device
2)Book Store
But this medium somehow overthrown the old concepts of story telling that have been establish before like pantun, gurindam and nazam.

Almost the same but the medium they use is a little bit different than in Malaysia


Children’s Literature...
Perry Nodelman, Children Literature 2008
1. Is simple and straightforward.

2. Focuses on action.

3. Is about childhood.

4. Expresses a child’s point of view.

5. Is optimistic.

6. Tends toward fantasy.

7. Is a form of pastoral idyll.
The pastoral idyll celebrates the joys and innocence of rural life, close to nature and in the company of friends.

9. Is didactic.
Traditionally, children’s literature has been seen as attempting to educate children.
A universal theme is teaching children that despite its boredom, home is a better place to be than the dangerous world outside.

10. Tends to be repetitious.
Repeating tasks is a basic method of education.
Repetition is a common trait of oral literature.
Repetitions with variations of words, phrases, situations, and narrative patterns are common in children’s literature.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Writing Tips 101

Good Writing comes from your ow experience... Feel the aura and than write...

Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Power Of Love

Love is more powerful than NUCLEAR FUSION

Love is more powerful than ATOM BOMB

Love is more great than volcano eruption

Love is more firm than the universal laws

Love is more steady than an earthquake

This is why we cannot define love

Written by - Azzim Ibrahim
All right. Reserved

Diari Sang Semut

Tatkala bumi dilanda kegelapan
Sang manusia cemas kelihatan
Merengus di setiap jendela
Merintih di setiap saat
Menanti akan kepulangan cahaya
Sang suria yang lena dibuai mimpi
Menyorokkan sinarnya yang hangat
Mengendahkan rintihan manusia
Sang suria terus lena dan lena
Aku tertawa...Aku berdekah...Aku tersenyum...
Melihat manusia yang masih meraba-raba

Wahai sang manusia
Akan erti kegelapan yang menimpa
Gunakanlah akal fikiran mu
Rungkaikanlah segala kejadian...

Written by- Azzim Ibrahim
All right. Reserved